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The image displays statistics and information of the most recent 2024 incoming class. For admissions, there are 209 students enrolled and 434 applications submitted. Moving forward to the demographics section, we have the following statistics of the currently enrolled students: 58% are full-time students, 14% already have a Masters degree, 44% are non-business and economic majors, and 23% are females. Of the current incoming class, 30% are underrepresented minorities, this group includes African Americans, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, and Latinos. Of the current incoming class, 42% are U.S. diversity, this group includes African Americans Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native American. The incoming class have an average age of 27, and the median age is 24. Most of these enrolled students have an average of 3.6 years of work experience. The academic background are as listed: GPA average of 3.41, and GPA 20-80% range of 3.15 to 3.72. The next section of the image has a sample list of current employers with examples including: AQR Capital Management, Bloomberg, Citigroup, Edward Jones, Fidelity Investments, JPMorgan Chase, Nike and the U.S. Department of Defense. We also have industries represented with examples including: Accounting, Construction, Consulting, Consumer Goods and Retail, Education, Government, Healthcare, Real Estate, and Transportation. The last section displays statistics of diverse undergraduate fields of study that include: chemistry, criminology, English, humanities, logistics, psychology, project management, sociology, Spanish and sports management.